Deidra Hughes

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Dina Busey (The Lane Agency)

December 17, 2012 my long time friend and manager, Dina Busey went home to be with the Lord. There are no words to truly describe what an amazing woman she was! Dina was the one who always went the extra mile. She was the 110% type of person. You could never out give her. She was the most selfless, thoughtful, loving person you could ever meet. She was the most loyal and trustworthy friend anyone could ever have and I knew she loved me because she made a point to tell me often. Thank you Dina for the life and example you left in this place of unconditional love and sacrifice for others. I always told you that you were a rare one and my life is so much richer for having you in it. You told me often that you missed me and now you won't have to know what that feels like... But in this place you will be forever missed! I love you more than you could ever
know! Thank you for being you ~ Just Sayin' ;-)
Please allow us some time to work through the transition of new management. In the mean time you may contact me directly for any bookings or questions you might have through the contact page. Thank you!
Prophet Newz: Do you have a target audience?
Deidra Hughes: I feel like the ministry that God has called me to is targeting the church and the families in it. The church is only as strong as the family and if we are to reach this lost and dying world we need to heal the broken families first. Our youth are hurting and many times as a result of their home environments. My prayer is that God would bring restoration to broken relationships, between man and wife, and between parents and children.
Prophet Newz Interview